Writing Tea
Well, it’s been a minute since there was a newsletter. But I can explain….
I spent most of November being sick. If it wasn’t arthritis in my hands, then it was a respiratory infection that lasted most of the month. I still have a lingering cough, which is baffling. So there was no newsletter. There was hardly any writing.
I was supposed to be putting a dent in my WIP for November for NANOWRIMO, but that didn’t happen. Oh well. I can’t beat myself up about it. I added words to it, which counts. I am hoping I can devote most of December to knocking out the rest of it.
But in the meantime…The #WhyChoose novella, titled The Oath, will be out before Christmas Eve. (tentatively on 12/15). I promise… Things happen and some stuff is out of my hands. I know my readers probably feel like I’ve been teasing them and pulling their legs..but trust me..it’s coming. Just waiting on Amazon to give me the all clear that it’s posted. In the meantime, continue to check my social media for updates.
ETA: The Amazon page for The Oath is now live!! Get it here. Also available in KU.
I’ve already started another #Whychoose novella in the same universe, featuring the cousin of the FMC in the first novella. I’d love for that one to come out on Valentine’s Day (if possible). If not, that is cool too. As these are indie projects, there are no time frames for those. I had some “alpha” readers who read the first few pages and gave me a good feeling of what direction to go in. The plan is to have 3 books in this novella universe. The third book is up in the air… so we shall see.
People are asking me “what’s next” on the traditional publishing side of things? Is there going to be a follow up to The Build Up? Is there going to be something new? I am not sure. But I hope that certain projects that I am putting feelers out to get some hits. I have these goals for 2024 that I want to achieve, and a multi-series book deal is one of them. What are the others? I talk about those on my TikTok so look there…
Podcast Tea
The podcast has had some amazing guests. Folks are responding well to the new schedule which is great. We are going to take a break in December to spend time with our families on the holidays, so no, there won’t be new podcasts until January after the new year.
BTW…We are also now offering advertising slots on the podcast. If you are interested in our rates, please let us know and contact us so that we can invoice you.
We are not accepting any more slots for interviews. For those empty slots we will either be on break or have special episodes. Stay tuned!
Random Tea
My debut year has been one for the books. In November, I met with the A to Z Book Club, started by one of my soror’s and her fellow educator friends to talk about The Build Up. We met at Twain's, the inspiration for Hemingway's in the book. We ordered food and talked and laughed about the love of Porter, Ari and their cast of characters.
The DeKalb County Library Foundation invited me to speak at the DeKalb County Jubilee of Reading Book Conference. I was so nervous and excited. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to talk about, so I winged it, talking about the book, my journey to romance, and advocating for Black romance. I mean, I had to follow Denene Millner, author, editor and journalist extraordinaire. Talk about a fangirling moment! It was so cute to see those women in jackets adorned with their book club insignia on them, signing books, and taking photos.
I have more shots on my IG but here are a few from both events.
(BTW, Denene Millner gives the absolute best hugs! )
Tati is Reading
I have read nothing but novellas these past months. Truly, novellas are the only thing I can read. I stayed on theme, reading mostly Thanksgiving or holiday/Christmas themed novellas. Some of my absolute faves these past months:
Sinnamon and Golds- Lady Marie (Whew chile! This one was HOT!!!) One thing about me, I love a man with straight white teeth and a grill at the bottom who walks with a quiet confidence. It is very sexy. This hit the spot.
Danielle Allen’s Eats for Free and A Perfect Stuffing- Danielle is the queen of a hot quickie Holiday themed novella. I enjoyed these Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving.
Rilzy Adams’ Spiked Hot Chocolate and Ho! Ho! Ho!- Rilzy got me all the way in the Christmas mood. Perfect novellas. Both of them.
A Newsletter Exclusive
Last month, I posted art fot the novella. I was going back and forth between what I’d use for the inside versus the cover. But here it is…..The Final Cover of The Oath…. Art by GP Illustrations.
Happy Holidays!
Until next time,